Resume of Dr. Cheng Luo, 罗成博士简历

Dr. Cheng Luo, Bachelor of Sichuan University (1982), Doctor of Virology (1993), University of Helsinki, Finland, worked in Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (1982-1988), University of Vienna (1989-1990), University of Helsinki (1990-1993) , French Academy of Agricultural Sciences (INRA, 1994-1995), University of Umea, Sweden (1996-1998), University of Turku, Finland (1998-2003), OMRF, Oklahoma, USA (2003-2004), University of Hong Kong (2005-2007), Tartu University, Estonia (2008-2013). Distinguished professor of Tianjin University of Science and Technology (2010-2014), Distinguished (2nd rank) professor of Zhejiang Ocean University (2016-2020). Retire in 2022. At present, he mainly assists in the review of several (basic) medical journals. 罗成,四川大学学士(1982),病毒学博士(1993),芬兰赫尔辛基大学,先后在中国科学院武汉病毒研究所(1982-1988)、维也纳大学(1989-1990)工作, 赫尔辛基大学(1990-1993),法国农业科学院(INRA,1994-1995),瑞典于默奥大学(1996-1998),芬兰图尔库大学(1998-2003),OMRF,Oklahoma,USA( 2003-2004,香港大学(2005-2007),爱莎在尼亚塔图大学工作(2008-2013)。 天津科技大学特聘教授(2010-2014),浙江海洋大学二级教授(2016-2020)。 2022年退休。目前主要协助审稿若干(基础)医学期刊 Peer review。


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