Onlin Evolution Biology Seminar, September 2022 (the exactly date open)

 Evolution biology seminar September 2022 (online) (the exactly date open)

Based on the interests of walrus incidents in kotka of Finland (July 2022, and several conservation biologiest, marine biologist and taxidermy professional world wide would initiated a small seminar online. the current intended speakers: Eirik Granqvist (Porvoo , Finland), Prof. Wang (Wuhan, China), Mr. Ma (Shanghai, China), Madam Fang (Shanghai, China), Dr.
Cheng Luo (Finland), still updating.



Ma Mingyi is currently a librarian at the Shanghai Natural History Museum, branch of the Shanghai Science and Technology Museum, and a specimen maker at the Collection Conservation Research Center. Responsible for specimen collection, specimen preparation, specimen conservation and other related work. Member of the Continuing Education Expert Database of the Chinese Association of Natural Science Museums.


Dr. Xi Wang, graduated from the School of Life Sciences of Zhejiang University, is engaged in the taxonomy and ecology of amphibians and reptiles. He is currently an experimenter at the Institute of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, and a staff member of the Museum of Hydrobiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, responsible for the daily management and scientific research of the museum. Committed to the scientific communication of zoology and ecology, in 2020, he was named the most beautiful ecological and environmental protection volunteer in Wuhan.

Eirik Granqvist (Finland),国际公认的立体模型专家,保护生物学领域的首席策展人和学者.
Eirik Granqvist (Finland), internationally recognized expert on dioramas, chief curator and scholar in the field of conservation biology.


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