Dr. Cheng Luo's Pensioner Working Page

 Dr. Cheng Luo (born October 26, 1958), Porvoo, Finland,  Professor in Food Science (Zhejiang Ocean University, Tianjin University of Science and Technology, Senior Research Scientist in virology and medical science (Turku University and Tartu University), Ph. D, Helsinki University, 1993, | World Biographical Encyclopedia (prabook.com)

A Chinese/Finnish scientist, Sichuan University (1978-1982, Chengdu, China), resaech assistant in baceriophages (Vienna University,1988-1989), virus structure (Helsinki U 1989-1993), plant physiology (Umeå U 1996-1998), medicine (Turku U 1998-2003) COX-2 in pancreatic beta-cells. Recipient for traveling support to Hawaii, USA for COX-2 (inhibitor) workshop, Pfizer, 1999, Wang K. Edu. Foundation, Hong Kong, China, 2000. OMRF, USA 2003-04, HKU 2005-2007, Biotechnology: Senior Scientist Tartu U. 2008-2015, Food Sci. Professor Tianjin U 2010-2014, Zhejiang Ocean U 2016-2020.

Current interests:

1, GDNF gene network to artificial neural network

Some thoughts or ideas ongoing

 I studied PTGS2 (COX-2) for more than 15-20 years, an enzyme constitutively** expressed in neuron of cerebral cortex (especially motor cortex), the neurology, or neurologist believe COX-2 and its downstream product, the prostaglandins activate or provide the physiological metabolism for an excitatory neuron that conduct nerve impulse, or fire action potentials beside possible pathological roles. At present, PTGS2 is widely believed to be involved, or participated, or trigger many cerebral diseases including brain tumor, Parkinson disease and Alzheimer diseases, etc. because of their inflammatory roles

 On the other hand, GDNF (Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor) is expressed in glial cells, promote glial cell proliferation, provides physical and metabolic support to neurons, but act as inhibitory to neuron. At present GDNF is widely believed to reduce, or even cure cerebral diseases, such so called GDNF therapy has helped to PD or AD in some scales, but not to the cerebral tumors.

Both genes are regarded as hub genes even though they do not directly interact, but each trigger a chain reaction, they do coordinate each other for brain function. Further understanding 2 genes interaction may help the cerebral diseases, more may help to construct the artificial neuron network whether through bionic approach or hierarchy approach, or data mining (neural networks are the result of data mining).

There are some algorithms, or models, or methods of mining, such as recurrent neural network (RNN) …. However, just wonder someone may be interested in PTGS2/GDNF gene/neuron (artificial) network? Of course, the first question is:

Is possible to construct a PTGS/GDNF (backborne) gene/neuron (artificial) network?

Cheng Luo (Luo58@yahoo.com)

** PTGS2 is exceptionally constitutively expressed in cortex, widely regarded PTGS2 as inductive isoform, where PTGS1 as constitutive isoform.

GDNF (Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor), a member of the transforming growth factor-beta superfamily, was first identified from glial cells and has the ability to protect midbrain dopaminergic neurons (Engele et al.). ., 1991; Lin et al., 1993), GDNF also applies to the ENS (enteric nervous system). Overexpression or abnormal expression of GDNF is currently known to cause brain tumors, Hirschsprung's disease, especially with neurocognitive function (schizophrenia) and habituation tendencies, such as GDNF has been identified as a potential common addiction-related gene ( For example, drug, alcohol, etc.). This may be because GDNF is expressed in the brain and other neuronal cells.

The main idea is to make a model, or through some ready-made models, to quickly transform the GDNF, or GDNF/PTGS2 gene network into the currently widely recognized neural network, which can be further developed into psychiatry by analyzing certain target genes from individual blood samples. or other clinical applications (APP).

RNN: Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) are a class of neural networks that help model sequence data. RNNs are derived from feedforward networks and exhibit behavior similar to how the human brain functions. In short: Recurrent Neural Networks produce predictions in sequential data that other algorithms cannot.

CNN: is a "feedforward neural network" that uses filter and pooling layers, while RNN feeds the results back into the network. In CNN, the size of the input and the resulting output are fixed.

Transformer: Models have been one of the main highlights of the advancement of deep learning and deep neural networks. Transformer neural networks are acyclic models for processing sequential data such as text.

Build neural networks in Python using packages like Keras and TensorFlow.


2,  Near-Infrared Database System for food safety in real time analysis: The food safety was a big problem in the beginning of 2000, typically melamine in milk powder was caught in media worldwide. And we learn that the NIR spectrometer is becoming smaller and smaller thanks to the linear variable filter (LVF) as modern spectroscopic element replacing the traditional prism, which make it possible to produce pocketable NIR spectrometer. And 5G telecommunication make is possible to do food safety check in real time because the spectra can be locally and remotely analyzed against different molecule database.

You may scan the 2D code to access the NIR food database (you may also extend the curve by scratch in screen)

09.07.2022 Oodi library (group room 3), Helsinki, Finland

Dr. Cheng Luo's CV        

First name: Cheng, Surname: Luo

Permanent Address: Helsinki, Finland

Email:  Luo58@yahoo.com

Born: Oct. 26, 1958 in Guizhou, China,

Gender: male. Citizenship: Finland (hold passport of Finland since June 1998)

Language: English and Chinese, some Finnish and Swedish. 

Main Education

1990-1994          Ph. D. University of Helsinki, Department of Genetics, Finland 

1978-1982          Sichuan University, Microbiology, China.  B.S.

Main interests: Food Science

Main subjects of education: Advanced mathematics, inorganic chemistry, organic chemistry, advanced physics, biology, microbiology, genetics, molecular immunology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, biophysics, virology, molecular cancer biology, cell biology, molecular biology, basic botany and zoology, Electronic microscopy, etc..  


01/2016 - 2020   Zhejiang Ocean University, Food Science, Professor

01/2010 -12/ 2014  Visiting Professor (Molecular and cell biology, Food science) Tianjin University of Science and Technology, China.  Supervised 13 Master students.

03/2008- 12/ 2013   Senior Scientisit (Bioinformatics and ageing study) Institute of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of Tartu, Estonia.  Co-supervised 1 Ph. D student.

01/ 2007- 01/ 2008    Visiting Professor (pharmacognosy), Kunming Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Science, China.

01/2005 –12/2006      Research Scientist (Cancer Biology) Institute of Biotechnology, The University of Hong Kong

09/ 2003 –10/ 2004    Associate Research Scientist (HIV immunology), Lipid rafts in T-cell activation. Oklahoma Medical Research  Foundation, OK, USA

07/1998- 08/ 2003    Scientific Researcher (hormone related cancer studies,  diabetes), COX-2’s roles in cancer and diabetes.  University of Turku, Finland.

01/1996 - 06/1998    postdoc. (plants AGPase),  Dept. of Plant Physiology, Umeå University, Umeå,  Sweden.

12/1994 - 12/1995    postdoc. Dijon, INRA,  Laboratory of Soil Microbiology, France

12/1990-11/1994      Ph. D student (E. coli virus),  Dept of Genetics, University of Helsinki, Finland

11/1989 -11/1990     Research assistant (Bacteriophage)  Institute of Microbiology and Genetics, University of Vienna, Austria

08/1982-10/1989  Wuhan Institute of Virology, Chinese Academy of Science, Wuhan,  China

Publication: https://orcid.org/0000-0001-7214-9195https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Cheng_Luo3


Zhenjing Li1, 2, Yibin Xue1, 2, Mengxian Li1, 2, Qingbin Guo1, 2, Yaxin Sang3, Changlu Wang1, 2, and Cheng Luo1, 2 The Antioxidation of Different Fractions of Dill

(Anethum graveolens) and Their Influences on Cytokines in Macrophages RAW264.7J. Oleo Sci. 67, (12) 1535-1541 (2018)


Zhenjing Li,1,2 Xiaohong  Zhang,1,3 Yibin Xue,1,2 Jingkai Zhang,1 Meiling Li,1

and Cheng Luo 1, Cellular and Molecular Evidence of Acetaldehyde Elimination and

Intracellular Environment Antioxidation by L-Cysteine Hindawi Journal of Chemistry

Volume 2018, Article ID 6864574, 8 pages


1,       Deng, Shanggui, Lutema, Phares, Gwekwe, Blessing, Li, Yingjie, Akida, Jamal, Pang, Zan, Huang, Youkun, Dang, Yali, Wang, Shuqi, Chen, Meiling, Miao, Wenhua, Lin, Huimin, Wang, Likui, Luo, Cheng, 2019/11/01, Bitter peptides increase engulf of phagocytes in vitro and inhibit oxidation of myofibrillar protein in peeled shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) during chilled storage. Aquaculture Reports Volume 15, November 2019, 100234 Doi: 10.1016/j.aqrep.2019.100234  IF=2.6

2   Cheng Luo, Blessing Gwekwe, Phares Choto, Wenhua Miao, Meiling Chen, Changfeng Xue, Yunsheng Xu, Xiaolong Yin, Glory MagawaDi Wu, Jamal S. Akida, Likui Wang, Qingqing Li, Shanggui Deng Bitter peptides from enzymatically hydrolyzed protein increase the number of leucocytes and lysozyme activity of large yellow croaker (Larimichthys polyactis), Fish Shellfish Immunol. 2018 Oct;81:130-134. doi: 10.1016/j.fsi.2018.07.013. Epub 2018 Jul 10.  IF=3.9

3,    Luo C, Wu D, Magawa G, Omodo J, Xue C, Sun Y, Liu D, Xie C, Wang Y, Frenz C, Deng S. Inhibition of migration and invasion of hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells by dietary saponins via targeting HIF-1α. Anticancer Agents Med Chem. 2018 Jan 10. IF= 2.9

4,   Luo C, Wang X, An C, Hwang CF, Miao W, Yang L, Xu M, Bai A, Deng S. Molecular inhibition mechanisms of cell migration and invasion by coix polysaccharides in A549 NSCLC cells via targeting S100A4. Mol Med Rep. 2017 Jan;15(1):309-316. IF=1.9

5,   Chin-Fa Hwang, Yi-An Chen, Chen Luo & Wen-Dee Chiang,  Antioxidant and        antibacterial activities of peptide fractions from flaxseed protein hydrolyzed by Bacillus altitudinis HK02, International J of Food Science and Technology,  2016,  IF=1.5

51(3) :681-689.

6  Cheng Luo and Shanggui DengViili as Fermented Food in Health and Disease Prevention: A Review StudyJournal of Agricultural Science and Food TechnologyVol.2 (7), pp. 105-113,2016

7 Cheng Luo, Xin Wang, Can An, Chin-fa Hwang, Wenhua Miao, Lu Yang, Maonian Xu,     Aiping Bai, Shanggui Deng, Molecular inhibition mechanism of cell migration and invasion by coix polysaccharides in NSCLC A549 cells via targeting S100A4,  MMR, Vol 15 No.1  2017. DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2016.5985   IF=3.5

8,   Shi L, Yuzhen Pi, Cheng Luo, Chunhong Zhang, Dehong Tan, Xianjun Meng, In vitro      inhibitory activities of six gypenosides on human liver cancer cell line HepG2 and possible role of HIF-1a pathway in them, Chemico-Biological Interactions 238 (2015) 48–54 IF=3.3

9,   Likui Wang, Yuefang Xu, Cheng Luo, Jian Sun, Jinlu Zhang, Ming-Wei Lee, Aiping Bai,    Guanhua Chen4, Christopher M. Frenz, Wenlin Huang,  MAGEA10 gene expression in non small cell lung cancer and A549 cells, and the affinity of epitopes with the complex of HLA-A*0201 allelesCellular Immunology, 2015   (1.9)

10,   Fei Hou, likui wang, hong wang, junchao gu, meiling li, jingkai zhang, xiao ling, xiaofang gao and Cheng Luo, Elevated gene expression of S100A12 is correlated with the predominant clinical inflammatory factors in patients with bacterial pneumonia, MMR., 11: 4345-4352, 2015DOI: 10.3892/mmr.2015.329 2015   SCI = 1.17


11,  Likui Wang, Shijuan Gao, Wei Jiang, Cheng Luo, Maonian Xu, Lars Bohlin,

     Markus Rosendahl and Wenlin Huang, Antioxidative Dietary Compounds Modulate Gene Expression Associated with Apoptosis, DNA Repair, Inhibition of Cell Proliferation and Migration. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2014, 15, 16226-16245; doi:10.3390/ijms150916226 SCI = 2.598 (3)


12,   Wei Liu , Xiangyi Lu , Guangyang He , Xiang Gao, Maonian Xu, Jingkai Zhang,  Meiling Li, Lifeng Wang, Zhenjing Li, Likui Wang, Cheng Luo* Protective Roles of Gadd45 and MDM2 in Blueberry Anthocyanins Mediated DNA Repair of Fragmented and Non-Fragmented DNA Damage in UV-Irradiated HepG2 Cells. International Journal of  Molecular Sciences, SCI =2.598   http://www.mdpi.com/1422-0067/14/11/21447http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/24177565  (3)

13,   Junhua Wu, Mengxian Li, Ling Liu, Qi An, Jinlu Zhang, Jingkai Zhang, Meiling Li, Weigang Duan, Dequan Liu, Zhenjing Li, Cheng Luo*. Nitric Oxide and Interleukins are Involved in Cell Proliferation of RAW264.7 Macrophages Activated by Viili Exopolysacchrides. Inflammation, 2013, Vol 36, No. 4, pp 954-961. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23515856 SCI = 2.457 (3)



14  Lu X, Liu W, Wu J, Li M, Wang J, Wu J, Luo C*. A polysaccharide fraction of adlay seed (Coix lachryma-jobi L.) induces apoptosis in human non-small cell lung cancer A549 cells. Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2013, vol. 430 (2): 846-851.  doi: 10.1016/j.bbrc. 2012. 11.058.  SCI = 2.542(3)

15,    Liu W, Lu X, He G, Gao X, Li M, Wu J, Li Z, Wu J, Wang J, Luo C*. Cytosolic protection against ultraviolet induced DNA damage by blueberry anthocyanins and anthocyanidins in hepatocarcinoma HepG2 cells. Biotechnol Lett. 2012 Nov 29. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/23192380  SCI = 1.853

16,  Gao X, Liu QZhao Y, Li Z, Zhou, Jiang K, Luo C*. 2012 Influences of gold and silver nanoparticles in loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP) reactions, Journal of Experimental nanosciences DOI:10.1080/17458080.2012.743684 2012. 743684  CI=1.01

17,  Ling Liu, Jingkai Zhang, Meiling Li, Xiaohong Zhang, Jinlu Zhang, Zhenjing Li, Likui Wang, Jihui Wu, Cheng Luo*, Inhibition of HepG2 cell proliferation by ursolic acid and polysaccharides via the downregulation of cyclooxygenase-2. Mol Med Rep. 2014 Mar 17. doi: 10.3892/mmr.2014.2059. [Epub ahead of print] SCI=1.170

18,  Wang C, Yang H, Chen M, Wang Y, Li F, Luo C, Zhao S, He D. Real-time quantitative analysis of the influence of blue light on citrinin biosynthetic gene cluster expression in Monascus. Biotechnol Lett. 2012 Sep;34(9):1745-1748   SCI = 1.853

19  Liu L. Wu JH. Zhang JL, Li ZJWang CL, Chen MH, Wang YR,   Sun YX, Wang LK,  Luo C*.A compatibility assay of ursolic acid and foodborne microbial exopolysaccharides by antioxidant power and anti-proliferative properties in hepatocarcinoma cells. J. Food, Agriculture, Environment 2012, 10 (2): 111-114. SCI=0.517

20,   Kan Jiang*, Qinfeng Lv, Donglei Zhang, Xiang Gao , Yi Zhao, Mengxian Li, Ling Liu, Junhua Wu, Xiangyi Lu  and Cheng Luo*A novel, sensitive, accurate multiplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for detection of Salmonella spp., Shigella spp. and Staphylococcus aureus in food.  JFAE,  2012, Vol. 10, No. 3-4, pp252-256 SCI=0.571

21,   Yi Zhao, Jingkai Zhang, Meiling Li, Zhenjing Li, Xiang Gao, Cheng Luo*, A   duplex loop-mediated isothermal amplification method for the simultaneous detection of Escherichia coli and Vibrio parahaemolyticus in food, IJFAE, 2013, vol, No. 3, SCI = 0.571

22,      Tingtao Chen , Qianglai Tan, Mengjuan Wang, Shunqiang Xiong, Shuying Jiang, Qinglong

Wu, Shengjie Li, Cheng Luo* and Hua Wei, Identification of bacterial strains in viili by molecular taxonomy and their synergistic effects on milk curd and exopolysaccharides production, African J. of Biotechnology, 2011, Vol. 10(74), pp. 16969-16975, SCI = 0.521

23 Wang C, Yang H, Chen M, Wang Y, Li F, Luo C, Zhao S, He D.Real-time quantitative   analysis of the influence of blue light on citrinin biosynthetic gene cluster expression in Monascus. Biotechnol Lett. 2012  34(9):1745-1748. doi: 10.1007/s10529-012-0962-z.  SCI=1.853 

24 Luo, C.*; Urgard, E.; Vooder, T.; Metspalu, A. (2011). The role of COX-2 and Nrf2/ARE in anti-inflammation and antioxidative stress: Aging and anti-aging. Medical Hypotheses, 77(2), 174 - 178 . SCI = 1.054

25 Urgard, Egon; Vooder, Tõnu; Võsa, Urmo; Välk, Kristjan; Liu, Mingming; Luo, Cheng; Hoti, Fabian; Roosipuu, Retlav; Annilo, Tarmo; Laine, Jukka; . Frenz, Christopher M; Zhang, Liqing; Metspalu, Andres (2011). Metagenes associated with survival in NSCLC. Cancer Informatics, 10, 175 - 183.

26.  Sun WH, Chen  GS, Ou XL, Yang Ye, Luo C,  Zhang Y,  Shao Y, Xu HC,  Xiao B,  Xue YP,  Zhou SM, Zhao QS, Ding GX, 2009 Inhibition of cyclooxygenase-2 and activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ synergistically inhibits proliferation and induces apoptosis of human pancreatic carcinoma cells. 275,247-255. SCI = 4.258

27 Sun WH, Su H,Zhu F, Chen GS, Luo C, Zhao Q, Zhang Y. Shao Y, Sun J, Zhou SM, Ding     GX, Cheng YL, 2008, Blockade of cholecystokinin-2 receptor and cyclooxygenase-2 synergistically induces cell apoptosis, but independently inhibits the proliferation of human gastric cancer cells in vitro, Cancer Letter, Vol. 263, p. 302-311.   SCI = 4.258

28 Luo C*, Wang K, Liu DQ, Li Y, Zhao Q, The Functional Roles of Lipid Rafts in T-Cell Activation, Immune Diseases and HIV Infection and Prevention. Cell and Immunology, Vol.5 No.1, p.1-7, 2008. SCI = 4.110

29 Luo C*, Peng Y, Santti R, He ML  and Lin MC. COX-1 and 2 expressions in sex-related organs of neonatally estrogen treated rats and in activated and non-activated macrophage RAW264.7cells with phytoestrogen, Endorine,Vol.29, No.1, p.161-167,2006.  SCI = 2.250

30 Luo C*, He ML and Bohlin L. 2005, Is COX-2 a perpetrator or a protector? Selective COX-2 inhibitors remain controversial. Acta Pharmacologica Sinica, Acta Pharmacol Sin. 26 (8): 926-933. SCI = 3.110


31 Luo C*, Simell O, Kung HF and He ML, The simultaneous and spontaneous coexpression of insulin and COX-2 in beta cells, and the infiltration of leukocytes in inflamed islets in adoptive transferred NOD/SCID mice. European Journals of Inflammation,Vol.3, No.2, pp55-61, 2005,  SCI = 3.551

32 Luo C* and Laaja P, 2004, Inhibitors of JAKs/STATs and the kinases, a possible new cluster of drugs, Drug Discovery Today, Vol.9, No.6, pp268-275.  SCI = 6.511, (2)



33. Luo C*, Kallajoki M, Makinen M, Teros T, Ylinen L, Simell O, 2002, Distribution and contribution of cyclooxygenase(COX)-2 for diabetogenesis in NOD mouse model, Cell &Tissue Research,Vol.310, p169-175. SCI = 3.677

34 Luo C*, Laine JVO, Ylinen L, Teros T, Makinen M, Ristimaki A, and Simell O, 2002, Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 in intestinal goblet cells of prediabeticnon-obese diabetic mice, Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 174 (3): 265-274.  SCI = 2.211

35Luo C*, Strauss L, Streng T, Ristimaki A ,Santti R. Constant Expression of cyclooxygenase-2 gene in the lower urinary tract and prostate of the mail rats treated with estrogen, Zeitschriftfur Naturforschung, 56C:455-463, 2001.  SCI = 0.899

36Wu.X, Sallinen K, Antila L, Makinen M, Luo C, Pallanen P, Erkkola R. 2000, Expression of insulin-receptor substrate-1 and -2 in ovaries from woman with insulin resistance and controls. Fertinity and Sterility, Vol.74, No.3: 564-572.  SCI = 4.174

37Weigang Duan, Wenhui Chen, Yu Yun, Dequan Liu, Cheng Luo, Zhiqiang Shen, Serum-Free Medium Evokes Cyclooxygenase2 Pathway in A549 Cells. The Open Inflammation Journal - OPEN INFLAMM J 01/2009; 2(1):34-37. DOI:10.2174/1875041900902010034

38,  Luo, C.; Kleczkowski, L.A. (1999). Expression of barley ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase     in Escherichia coli: Processing and regulatory considerations . Phytochemistry, 50(2), 209 - 214.  SCI = 3.750

39,  Kleczkowski, L.A.; Sokolov, L.N.; Luo, C.; Villand, P. (1999). Molecular cloning and spatial expression of an ApL1 cDNA for the large subunit of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase from Arabidopsis thaliana. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences, 54(5-6), 353 - 358. SCI = 0.621

40,  Witte, A.; Baranyi, U.; Klein, R.; Sulzner, M.; Luo, C.; Wanner, G.; Kruger,   D.H.; Lubitz, W. (1997). Characterization of Natronobacterium magadii phage Phi Ch1, a unique archaeal phage containing DNA and RNA. Molecular Microbiology, 23(3), 603 - 616. SCI = 4.961

41,  Eimert, K.; Luo, C.; Dejardin, A.; Villand, P.; Thorbjornsen, T.;   Kleczkowski, L.A. (1997). Molecular cloning and expression of the large subunit of ADP-glucose pyrosphosphorylase

     from barley (Hordeum vulgare) leaves. Gene, 189(1), 79 - 82.  SCI = 2.196

42,  Luo, C.; Dejardin, A.; Villand, P.; Doan, D.; Kleczkowski, L.A. (1997). Differential processing of homologues of the small subunit of ADP-glucose pyrphosphorylase from barley(Hordeum vulgare) tissues. Zeitschrift Fur Naturforschung C-a Journal of Biosciences, 52(11-12), 807 - 811. SCI = 0.621

43,  Hantula, J.; Koivula, T. T.; Luo, C.; Bamford, D. H. (1996). Bacterial diversity at surface water in three locations within the Baltic sea as revealed by culture-dependent molecular techniques. Journal of Basic Microbiology, 36(3), 163 - 176.  SCI = 1.198

44,   Bamford, J.K.H.; Luo, C.; Juuti, J.T.; Olkkonen, V.M.; Bamford, D.H. (1993). Topology of

the major capsid protein P3 of bacteriophage PRD1: Analysis using monoclonal antibodies and C-terminally truncated proteins. Virology, 197(2), 652 - 658. SCI = 3.367

45,  Caldentey, J.; Luo, C.; Bamford, D.H. (1993). Dissociation of the lipid- containing bacteriophage PRD1, effects of heat, pH, and sodium dedecyl sulphate. Virology, 194(2), 557 - 563. SCI = 3.367

46,  Luo, C.; Hantula, J.; Tichelaar, W.; Bamford, D.H. (1993). Bacteriophage PRD1 protein: crosslinking and scanning transmission electron microscopy analysis. Virology, 194(2), 570 - 575.  SCI = 3.367

47,  Luo, C.; Butcher, S.; Bamford, DH. (1993). Isolation of a phospholipid-free protein shell of bacteriophage PRD1, an E.coli virus with an internal membrane. Virology, 194(2), 564 - 569. SCI = 3.367



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