Budapest in Finland

常言说"罗马不是一天建成的", 最近看了一些老报纸,觉得此话也适用于匈牙利的布达佩斯。这是由于芬兰国家图书馆根据版权法以及现代计算机技术公开了70年以前的所有报刊杂志的线上搜查与浏览。所以有幸看到了100年前后的布达佩斯的城市风景, 特别是上世纪30年代的布达佩斯,当时的布达佩斯已经是车水马龙,非常繁华了。 当时北欧的芬兰人已经有旅行社组织以汽车为交通工具的旅行团。当芬兰人来到Buda时就被这里的城堡,美丽的多瑙河所迷住了,跨过塞切尼大桥后在 安德拉什(Andrássy)大街看到的漂亮与昂贵的商店及车水马龙的市景所惊讶,匈牙利人见到芬兰人时总是说我们是兄弟姐妹,直到今天虽然芬兰语与匈牙利语已经无法直接交流,但二者的结构,语法完全一样,显示他们曾经是同一个民族。 As the saying goes, "Rome wasn't built in a day." Recently, I read some old newspapers and felt that this statement also applies to Budapest, Hungary. This is due to the online search and browsing of all newspapers and magazines published 70 years ago by the National Library of Finland in accordance with copyright law and modern computer technology. So I was fortunate enough to see the cityscape of Budapest around 100 years ago, especially Budapest in the 1930s. At that time, Budapest was already very prosperous. At that time, the Finns in Northern Europe also had travel agencies organizing tour groups using cars as the means of transportation. When the Finns came to Buda, they were fascinated by the castle, the beautiful Danube River, the beautiful and expensive shops and the busy cityscape seen on Andrássy Street after crossing the Széchenyi Bridge. Surprisingly, Hungarians always say that we are brothers and sisters when they were greeting. Although Finnish and Hungarian cannot communicate directly, the structure and grammar of the two languages are exactly the same, which shows that they were once the same people. Figure 1935, Google lens and Google translate from Finnish to English. Resource:


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